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How to Set Up a Virtual Environment with Pyenv


To create a Python virtual environment using pyenv for a specific Python version, like Python 3.7, you'll need to follow these steps. However, make sure you have both pyenv and the pyenv-virtualenv plugin installed. If you haven't installed the pyenv-virtualenv plugin yet, you can do so by following the instructions on its GitHub page.

Here are the steps to create a Python 3.7 virtual environment using pyenv:

Install Python 3.7 using pyenv, if you haven't already done so:

pyenv install 3.7.12

Once the installation is complete, you can create a virtual environment with Python 3.7. For example, to create an environment named myenv37 using Python 3.7.12, you would run:

pyenv virtualenv 3.7.12 myenv37

After the virtual environment has been created, you need to activate it. You can do so by running:

pyenv activate myenv37

To deactivate the environment, you can simply run:

pyenv deactivate

To ensure your shell always activates this environment by default when you navigate to a specific directory, you can set a local pyenv version in that directory:

cd /path/to/your/project pyenv local myenv37

This will create a .python-version file in your project directory, and pyenv will automatically activate myenv37 whenever you're in this directory.

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